Wednesday 5 May 2010


In the Spirit of My Birthday , and the Spirit of My Activism, i decided to put this piece together,for all youths within the age bracket of 18- 35 , Of Nigerian Origin, to read very open - Mindedly, and this is not an intent to slander the Name of IBB or any other person , as that is not in my character...

Nigeria is Fast Approaching 2011 and I was Not suprised when IBB declared his intention to Run for the Highest Electable office in the Land, which he held previously from 1985-1993 , as a Military Dictator...I had already Predicted It sometime in December 2009.

I know some of my Friends will be Mad at me for this article but i really dont care...I just feel i owe the youths of Nigeria an Obligation to Highlight why I am not Voting and you should not Vote for I.B.B a.k.a Maradona , a.k.a The Evil Genius..

1 Devaluation of the Naira

When IBB Took over power as Military Head of state and Dictator in 1985, the Value of the Naira was N0.8 to 1 Dollar ,when he was leaving Power in 1993 , He left it at N22.3 to 1 Dollar , at a rapidly devaluating rate..He Looted the Treasury soo Much , and has not been able to account for the £19 Million 1990 Oil Windfall as a result of the Gulf war...

Neither Him nor any Member of his Family has every worked since he left office till date , and he still lives in immense Luxury , with a retinue of Private Jets, Islands, Rolex Factories and Oil Refineries.

2 Murder Of Dele Giwa And Disdain for The Nigerian Press and Judiciary

i Hate to Jump into unfounded Conclusions , but the truth is that I have taken time to study The Case with the Help of My Dad (RIP) and we concluded that IBB is responsble for the death of Nigerias Foremost Journalist , Dele Giwa...Like one of My Friends Pointed out, If IBB had letter Bomb Parcel Technology in 1986 , imagine what Elimination techniques he has in Mind now ?

In 1986, Babangida’s agents delivered a parcel bomb that killed Nigeria's foremost journalist, Dele Giwa..It has been Argued in court even at the Famed Oputa Panel, at which IBB refused to appear, Thereby Solidifying his "Above the law Godfather" Status

when IBB was Military Dictator, He was Responsible for the Arrest , Jailing and Toture of numerous human rights activists without trial, ultimately causing two of the frequently jailed activists – Gani Fawehinmi and Beko Ransome-Kuti – to die of lung cancer years later. Gani Fawehinmi disclosed that Babangida’s agents often sprayed their cells with strange aerosols. Fawehinmi, who was not a smoker, believed the sprays caused his lung cancer.

3 Tyranny and Military Dictatorship

Babangida framed and killed innocent army officers including his best man, Mamman Vatsa, in phantom coup plots( This is something i hate to get into a Discussion about, because it is really Long but it has been documented in different quarters), on how He instigated the downing of a military jet filled with middle ranking officers he suspected of plotting to overthrow him, leaving Nigeria’s military demoralized..My Aunty Ethel Her Husband was in this Plane and she has been a Widow Ever Since...Shouts out to Aunty Ethel....This ones For you...

4 Annulment of June 12 1993 Election

I wonder How IBB would want to Run for President Under a Democratic Setting, Being that This was the same Man That subverted Nigeria’s finest moment for democratic renewal when he annulled what observers lauded as Nigeria’s freest and fairest election on June 23 1993, that was won by Moshood Kashimawo Abiola. That annulment led Nigeria down the part of instability that continues to haunt it till today. Babangida’s treasonable action shook Nigeria’s roots and exposed the country to international ridicule. He unleashed soldiers and policemen on pro-democracy activists, killing and maiming scores of protesters who resisted the annulment.

I support the Annulment of the Elections ( Please Dont Ask Why ) , but i totally refuse with the Motive , and the Disorganization of INEC , so much so that No other elections were conducted..

I dont think someone that stopped a Process should Benefit From the process he Delayed.

5 Total Disregard for the Youth..

OK and this is the one that actually motivated me to write this article.Babangida will be 70 years old by the time he plans to retake power in 2011. This 70-year old derelict wants to mortgage the future of Nigerians by presiding over the continued destruction of their country. He stated in an interview with BBC hausa Radio, that Nigerian Youths are Irresponsible, and cannot handle power in Nigeria, and i would like to Reproduce his exact words and an excerpt from the interview.

Reporter :-Don't you think it is time to allow the younger generations take over from you the older ones as it happened in America and other parts of the world?

Babangida:- Honestly, it is our wish that God will bring the younger people that will take over from us if they are available. I was the one who introduced the politics of new breed in this country.

Reporter :-Why didn't you step aside and give the younger generation a chance to lead since they are fresh and strong.

Babangida:-Because we have seen signs that they are not capable of leading this country and so we feel we should help them. May be they are not given the proper education that is why. I have spent 17 years since I left office.
Haba! The younger generation is supposed to be in charge by now.
But a country like Nigeria cannot be ruled by people without experience. People like the Obama that you are speaking about have the experience. He started from the state House of Assembly to the House of Representatives and to the Senate. If our youths are like this, we will say they have the requisite experience. But we have not reached that level."

I didnt Intend for you to read Much but as a result of my Birthday and the Current happenings in Nigeria, I Felt like putting this together ..please all Nigerian Youths ...SAY NO TO IBB ...


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